M. Victoria Cole Law Firm P.C. - Cedar Rapids Criminal Defense Attorney
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I think I will just wait until my kids are older to file…

If you believe your children do not know what is happening in your relationship, you are delusional. Your children know more than they let on. They are aware of every eye roll, every raised voice, every silence, and snide remark. You and your spouse are setting the example for your children of how a relationship with the other side is supposed to be. If the relationship you are currently in is not one you would wish for your children, why would it be good for you?

By staying in a broken marriage, you are teaching your children, by example, the cycle of brokenness and dysfunction or lack of communication. If you are in a toxic relationship, by staying, you are doing a disservice to your children. We are able to help and talk you through options. Again, there is more than one way to skin a cat….

When is a good time to get divorced?

People ask when is a good time to get divorced.  There is really never a good time to get divorced.  It is really not good to be involved in litigation or conflict.  This is a fight you should not be in unless you have to be in it.  But if you have to be in one, make sure you have your ducks in a row:  Treat the other person with respect and how you would want to be treated.  The judge hearing your case will look at each party’s demeanor and behavior throughout the case in determining credibility.  In the end, if a divorce is inevitable, you will want to come out on top by acting the right way, even if the other individual is acting wrongly.  It pays off in the end.  Your attorney is there to act as a buffer, to advise you, and to defend you however, what you do or do not do will be discussed and brought up in testimony.