Both the law and prosecuting attorneys take violent crimes very seriously. Because violent crimes involve a human victim, a conviction is far more likely to result in a longer jail term or prison time than would a conviction for a property crime.
If you have been charged with a violent crime, making sure you choose a bold, experienced and intelligent Cedar Rapids violent crime attorney is critical. M. Victoria Cole Law Firm P.C. is here to provide the representation you need. Attorney Victoria Cole is a former prosecutor, so she understands how the opposition is likely to build the case against you and how to combat those strategies.
Our Iowa law firm handles cases involving all kinds of violent crime charges, including:
- Murder
- Attempted murder
- Willful injury
- Assault and battery
- Burglary
- Robbery
- Kidnapping
- Harassment or stalking
How Your Lawyer Acts Can Make A Huge Difference
One of the most important skills to look for in your criminal defense attorney is the ability to be more aggressive or less aggressive, depending on whom he or she is talking to. It can make a difference in the outcome of your case!
For instance, if witnesses have credibility issues, your lawyer must know whether or not pushing them hard will make them back down or make them stubbornly dig in their heels. Ms. Cole has the kind of experience necessary to know exactly when to push and when not to in order to maximize your chances of a positive outcome.
Facing Murder Charges? Call Iowa City Attorney Victoria Cole.
Are you facing a class A felony charge? Consulting an assault defense attorney is the best way to defend your rights. Call our Cedar Rapids office at 319-261-2600, or contact us online. We accept credit cards.